- The course is presented via 12 weekly webinars via PowerPoint Presentation and GoToWebinar, all lessons are recorded for your review.
- The online training course in Live Blood & Dry Blood Analysis has many advantages including saving money on travel and accommodation costs to get to training centres as well as the ability to repeat the recording of the course as many times as you need up to a year after the training course ends.
- The study material can be referred to whenever you require at your convenience, you can join anytime and study at your own pace.
- Manuals, study material, reference charts and a library of pictures & videos are provided.
- A certificate is sent on completion of the course and submission of a test case.
- Your Tutor Dr Okker Botha is a registered homeopathic doctor who has established himself as a leader in Live and Dry Blood Analysis and has been successfully teaching Live Blood Analysis for 16 years.
- We provide ongoing support to help you with everything you need to get started practicing live blood analysis confidently and proficiently.
Questions are answered at the live lessons and support is also provided through a private Facebook Page support forum where students can post pictures with questions, help and support each other.